Feet reaching the sky

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Services at Kingsway Podiatry

Podiatrists treat a multitude of foot conditions, some which can present with symptoms in other parts of the body. For example, foot and lower limb malalignment can produce pain in your back, hips, legs or knees. As university trained health professionals, podiatrists can establish if your feet are part of the problem or if further investigation is required.

The Australian Podiatry Council has also compiled a foot health checklist to assist those unsure of whether they should consult a podiatrist.

Foot Health Checklist:

  • Do you have pain in your feet?
  • Are you on your feet all day?
  • Do you have skin or nail problems (ingrowing or discoloured toenails, corns, skin rashes, areas of hard skin on your feet)?
  • Do you have any sores on your feet that are not healing?
  • Do you have foot odour?
  • Do you have a foot injury?
  • Do you have health problems such as diabetes or arthritis?
  • Do you trip or fall often?
  • Do you have problems finding shoes that fit comfortably?
  • Do you lumps or bumps, bunions or misshapen toes?
  • Do you regularly wear heels that are 5cm or higher?

If you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions, the Australasian Podiatry Council recommends you seek advice.